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Known Problems

SCSI Devices

If you configure the SCSI disk with PCMCIA SCSI Controller, every time you activate the card (i.e. insert the SCSI card in the PCMCIA slot or run csconfig up/down, etc.) it try to probe the SCSI bus and install the all active devices EVERY TIME. And the kernel don't release the SCSI drive device (sd?) when card is inactivated.

This means, if you install/remove/install-again the card, you'll get different SCSI drive device every time you insert. You'll have big problem with this.

We'll include clean-up code, but since this issue is quite complicated issue, it will take time to fix. In the mean time, you should be careful.

ATA Disk devices


If you remove the card before unmounting the disk, you'll be into very big trouble.

Serial cards / Modem cards

Wildboar does not re-open the serial device on resume event (or card re-insert). So you must quit "tip" or communication program before suspend.

Also note, if you open the serial port device, and the card is not yet inserted, the driver block and wait for insertion of the serial card.